Dreams of No Screens


I daydream of what it would be like to have no screens.

No phone. No computer. Nothing other than charge. Nothing to connect.

Seems like all we do each day is to facilitate more time on our devices. You work to get the new phone. Your expensive couch was picked out to watch TV. The laptop you got ‘for school’ is even better at surfing the web.

It all comes back to the screen.

Got my first smartphone at 12. Got my first computer that same year.

I’ve spent my whole life on those screens. All day. 12 hours a day. More.

My whole life just looking at the screen.

Use them for school. For work. Play. Mostly play.

The literal years staring into those screens is numbing. 

Horrid things seen. Profane. Soul-crushing,. Mind-numbing garbage. Things not worth anyone’s time.

What if all that was skipped? What if we never spent those hours. Redirected our attention.

Kept our eyes on something worthwhile. Worth the years of attention.

I daydream about what that would look like.
