Few travel to the end of the world


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As far south as you can go in Europe. Gavdos.

A place of Bohemians. Rugged travelers. Pirates. No pretenders.

Only on ferry in per day. Took us two days by bus to reach here. We were the sole passengers on the final leg. People don’t come here. People don’t know about this place.

We shipped in around noon. It was to only be an overnight trip. Make it as far south as you can go. Come back. No roads there. Had to go on foot.

We picked up a few goods from the makeshift store. Few liters of water. Corned beef in a can. We had a few leftover bars on us. 

We went light.

Been awhile since I’ve found a place so quiet. Even if you find yourself on a hike in the mountains, a swim in the creek, you hear the whirring of engines in the distance.

Not here. Here, you hear nothing.

You gaze off into the distant island of Crete. The ferry creates a wake line. Wont’t be another boat off til tomorrow.

The trails are empty. Most visitors have gone west. For sunset. We head south.

On uneven rock, hours pass. We talk about previous meals. We talk about God. About whether He is real or not. How would you know.

Sun starts to dip. We cross paths with an American. First one in weeks. We are shocked. We don’t know what to say to her.

The trail curves through stubby pine trees with glowing green needles. We pass Minoan ruins. We are only a few hundred feet from the shore to our left.

Sunburnt, sunbaked partygoers return past us. Grinning and fried they stumble past us. Not a word from them. We wonder if they have the stamina or wits to make it back to camp.

The beach opens up. Wide open. We spot the tip.

“You think that’s it?”

“Gotta be. Otherwise, we’re missing sunset”

A dusty craftswoman sells jewelry, trinkets from a driftwood booth. Other than her, we spot no more than a handful of souls. Few travel to the end of thew world.

We scale up the rock to the southern point of the island. It sits up above the beach. Alone. 360 degree view. Sunset bursts to our right.

Scrambling up the chair, we take it all in. Furthest south. South point of Greece. Of Europe.

We stand alone. Nothing blocks the sun as it fades. It’s a long sunset. Longest I’ve ever seen.

The point teeters above deadly cliffs on all sides.

A destination.

The following day we will meet more wanderers. They aimed to camp on the beach for two weeks. Two weeks on the barren island. I couldn’t understand.

That night, with unobstructed view, the Heavens beat down on us. Stars falling each minute. Waves pull pebbles back to the sea. The sky is massive. Beast I will ever see.
